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Current Needs:

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A NEW VAN - $4,000


The van we use for taking kids to school and appointments is old and in constant need of repairs. To save us money and keep the kids safe and comfortable, we are hoping to purchase a new van.


LAPTOPS - $1,000


Our social workers and therapists now do all of their documenting and reporting online. We are hoping to purchase four new laptops so each team member can have one of their own.




We would love to give our staff new uniforms and dress shirts! Our social workers and therapists want to look professional in the field with embroidered polos, and our caretakers would like to have comfortable, durable uniforms to wear while caring for children.

GENERATOR - $1,000


 The power often goes out in Uganda, so we would like to purchase a generator to ensure our lights, food processors, and laptops can always stay on.




Our current monthly donations fall short of our operating needs. As a result, we are dependent on one-time donations and year-end gifts to sustain our work. Joining #TeamEkisa by becoming a recurring monthly donor will help ensure our work to improve the quality of life for children living with special needs will continue for years to come! 

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